Wednesday 23 September 2009

Frozen Dinner

2nite dinner I decided 2 goreng wutever frozen stuff i bought that day! Stove kt sini electric nye so i pon cam x biasa sgt...ade no 1-6, meaning no 6 plg panas kn? but then rase cam lame plak nk tunggu die panas..rase cam th lower the no lg panas....ker?? hmmm..hv 2 explore lg later. So i goreng fish n chicken nuggets! HALAL ye ppl..i make sure of that! hehehehe...layan gk dohh..mcm kalau buat kt umah...2getha wit mayo n chili sauce...oh,speaking of which, susah gile k nk carik cili sauce here..its  like all they hv is tomato ketchup..dont ppl eat chili sauce here?? i bought "Hot & Sweet Tomato Chilli Sauce"..2 je yg ade...well, later ill try explore making other things plak! haha...


  1. Sedapnyer...well cant wait for u to come back and cook for us ;)
    So, aper plak menu malam nie yerk..hehehe :)
